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名称: Mozart For Mothers-to-be
唱片公司: 环球
艺术家: 莫扎特
产品编号: 4541782
演奏乐器: 交响乐团
市场价格: ¥99元
特惠价格: 96


研究表明让准妈妈听莫扎特的音乐,可以让心情放松、心跳规律、血流速度安稳,以便提供充分的养分、水分,让胎儿健康的成长,孕育健康的下一代。该专辑精选12首莫扎特名曲中的经典段落,以其精湛的演奏,经典的旋律,悠扬、轻柔、婉转的曲调,传神的诠释了对下一代唯美、温馨的关爱,如第十一段中莫扎特小提琴协奏曲的“如歌行板”中的音乐,不仅能使准妈妈听了心旷神怡,也能使母体内的胎儿受到感染,使他们生活在“宫内世界”也像母体一样充满阳光,从而使他们变得更加健康、漂亮、聪明, 属于最神奇的、效果最明显的胎教音乐范本!


序号 曲目 曲长 试听
1 01. The London Sketchbook, K. 15a-ss (arr. and/or orch. E. Smith) 2:8 试听
2 01. The London Sketchbook, K. 15a-ss (arr. and/or orch. E. Smith) 2:8
3 01. The London Sketchbook, K. 15a-ss (arr. and/or orch. E. Smith) 2:8
4 02. Cassation (Final-Musik)
5 02. Cassation (Final-Musik)
6 02. Cassation (Final-Musik)
7 03. The London Sketchbook, K. 15a-ss (arr. and/or orch. E. Smith)
8 03. The London Sketchbook, K. 15a-ss (arr. and/or orch. E. Smith)
9 03. The London Sketchbook, K. 15a-ss (arr. and/or orch. E. Smith)
10 04. String Quartet No.12 in B flat, K.172
11 04. String Quartet No.12 in B flat, K.172
12 04. String Quartet No.12 in B flat, K.172
13 05. Divertimento in D, K.131
14 05. Divertimento in D, K.131
15 05. Divertimento in D, K.131
16 06. Serenade in G, K.525
17 06. Serenade in G, K.525
18 06. Serenade in G, K.525
19 07. Divertimento in D, K.136
20 07. Divertimento in D, K.136
21 07. Divertimento in D, K.136
22 08. Serenade in B flat, K.361
23 08. Serenade in B flat, K.361
24 08. Serenade in B flat, K.361
25 09. Six Preludes and Fugues, K.404a
26 09. Six Preludes and Fugues, K.404a
27 09. Six Preludes and Fugues, K.404a
28 10. String Quintet No.1 in B flat, K.174
29 10. String Quintet No.1 in B flat, K.174
30 10. String Quintet No.1 in B flat, K.174
31 11. Violin Concerto No.4 in D, K.218
32 11. Violin Concerto No.4 in D, K.218
33 11. Violin Concerto No.4 in D, K.218
34 12. Divertimento No.15 in B flat major, K.287
35 12. Divertimento No.15 in B flat major, K.287
36 12. Divertimento No.15 in B flat major, K.287

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